James Heminsley | Engineering Team Leader


Your role

I am the Engineering Team Leader at Versalift United Kingdom Limited and as part of my role I oversee a team of engineers who provide technical support to our production and wider business operations.


Why Engineering?

The world of engineering is always in motion, with continuous developments and exciting challenges. This provides engineers with a diverse range of interesting work, ensuring that every day is an opportunity to learn something new.


James Heminsley

What makes you passionate about Engineering?

Mechanical engineering has always been a passion of mine, and I have always been driven by a desire to understand how complex systems function. My time at Harper Adams University and 7 years at Versalift have allowed me to indulge this passion, providing me with a diverse range of tasks and opportunities for growth.


Favourite part of your job?

As an engineer, I am constantly driven by the challenge of finding innovative solutions to complex problems. With each new development, I have the opportunity to apply my problem-solving skills in a new and exciting way, ensuring that no two projects are ever the same.