My role

As the HR Manager at Versalift United Kingdom Limited, I am responsible for all HR generalist work whilst providing support for managers and staff through strategic work, health & well-being, engagement, coaching and mentoring.

How long have you been in HR?

I have been in HR for over 10 years, have a level 7 CIPD qualification, hold Chartered Membership and I am a Mental Health First Aider.

What makes you passionate about HR?

I absolutely love my job and people which makes me passionate about my career. HR should not be a department to be feared but for staff to rely on for support, guidance, fairness, and empathy, and above all HR is the barometer of the business for motivation and engagement. Strategically we should be problem solving and drive solution thinking to build a strong and happy workforce.


Favourite part of my job

The people. Getting the best out of people and having some laughs and fun along the way. If I can’t add value then I’m doing my job wrong.